
About the Podcast Producer/Mixer
Radly “Rad” Jose Phoenix, born to an American mother and a Mexican father, thus began life as he was destined to live it… going in several directions at once. A brilliant neurosurgeon, this restless young man grew quickly dissatisfied with a life devoted solely to medicine. He roamed the planet studying martial arts and particle physics, collecting around him a most eccentric group of friends, those hard-rocking scientists 1209towanda.

A Short History of the Site
Much of what’s on here used to be composed of everyday happenings and the confused thoughts of a boy in his early 20s, that started to get a little old a few years ago. In fact the “journal” as it were, was more or less on life support for much of 2008 & 2009. Starting in 2010 it was time to turn in all around and have fun with it, thus birthing the podcast 23min of Ska. Previous entries have been deleted or hidden to not get in the way of all the ska podcast goodness.

About the 23min of Ska Podcast
The sharing of music! My favorite genre of music is ska, and I just can’t get enough of it. When looking for a ska podcast I couldn’t find one that had any 3rd wave ska included, so I set out to make one. 23 minutes of ska, twice a month just seemed like the right amount for the first year. In 2011 a once monthly ska band interview episode was added to the mix as well upping the podcast to a thrice a month schedule with new episodes falling on the first, eleventh and twenty-third of each month, this mutated in 2012 into a weekly format with new episodes containing either music or interviews posting on Thursdays.

About the Grandpa’s Casino Recordings Label
In 2012 I decided to launch a vinyl only ska record label to get some records out for some great bands. After running a successful Kickstarter campaign the Grandpa’s Casino Recordings record label was started. The first release was a set of seven 7″ records known as “the Big Ska Gamble.”

Feel free to email the podcast with suggestion or encouragement: podcast@23ska.com
For music submissions email: submissions@23ska.com

7 responses to “About

  1. Hey
    My name is Chris Delmont and i’m in the ska/punk band DO IT WITH MALICE out of Buffalo, NY. I was just wondering if you’d be interested in featuring my bands music on your podcast. Check us out on myspace for a couple new songs of our second full length. Thanks for your time let me know if you’re interested.

    Chris Delmont

    • Chris, I would love to! Send a few of your best tracks to radjose@gmail.com and I’ll work one into the Nov 23rd podcast! I liked both of the 2 new songs on there actually (“Russian Roulette” & “618”) so either would be great. I also really enjoyed “That’s What She Said” and I think I’d found your site before and heard that one and dug it.


  2. Hi there, interested in interviewing Australian ska band The Resignators?
    contact management@theresignators.com – love to do it – keep it alive!!!

  3. Pingback: The Big Ska Gamble! « Checkered Socks

  4. I just want to say that most of the music you have gathered, has kept me from dipping into a darker place. I work two jobs, and play the feed. The words that are said and the beat keep me from breaking. I’ve been listening to ska for over a decade. Just not social media dependent. Thank you. I’m Mexican and too, such a strong diversity of music. Don’t stop. Like I tell most people, a simple smile might save someone. Or get them through a crappy day. Basically make someone’s day, but that person still needs something to get them through to continue doing so. Congrats man. Love the names chosen for the tempo. I hope you read this.

  5. You are ska-licious! Thank you for your devotion to sharing the best music has to offer. Do you by chance have a profile on Spotify? I would love to see your playlist.

    Skanking myself silly,


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